LLMs (inference)


Location for concrete implementations within the framework Hive-agent-framework/adapters.

Location for base abstraction within the framework Hive-agent-framework/llms.

A Large Language Model (LLM) is an AI designed to understand and generate human-like text. Trained on extensive text data, LLMs learn language patterns, grammar, context, and basic reasoning to perform tasks like text completion, translation, summarization, and answering questions.

To unify differences between various APIs, the framework defines a common interface—a set of actions that can be performed with it.

Providers (adapters)

Chat LLM
Structured output (constrained decoding)


⚠️ (model specific template must be provided)


⚠️ (JSON only)


⚠️ (JSON schema only)

Azure OpenAI

⚠️ (JSON schema only)


⚠️ (depends on a provider)

⚠️ (depends on a provider)


⚠️ (JSON object only)

AWS Bedrock

⚠️ (JSON only) - model specific


⚠️ (JSON only)

BAM (Internal)

⚠️ (model specific template must be provided)

All providers' examples can be found in examples/llms/providers.

Are you interested in creating your own adapter? Jump to the adding a new provider section.


Plain text generation

import "dotenv/config.js";
import { createConsoleReader } from "examples/helpers/io.js";
import { WatsonXLLM } from "Hive-agent-framework/adapters/watsonx/llm";

const llm = new WatsonXLLM({
  modelId: "google/flan-ul2",
  projectId: process.env.WATSONX_PROJECT_ID,
  apiKey: process.env.WATSONX_API_KEY,
  region: process.env.WATSONX_REGION, // (optional) default is us-south
  parameters: {
    decoding_method: "greedy",
    max_new_tokens: 50,

const reader = createConsoleReader();
const prompt = await reader.prompt();
const response = await llm.generate(prompt);
reader.write(`LLM 🤖 (text) : `, response.getTextContent());

Source: examples/llms/text.ts


The generate method returns a class that extends the base BaseLLMOutput class. This class allows you to retrieve the response as text using the getTextContent method and other useful metadata.


You can enable streaming communication (internally) by passing { stream: true } as a second parameter to the generate method.

Chat text generation

import "dotenv/config.js";
import { createConsoleReader } from "examples/helpers/io.js";
import { BaseMessage, Role } from "Hive-agent-framework/llms/primitives/message";
import { OllamaChatLLM } from "Hive-agent-framework/adapters/ollama/chat";

const llm = new OllamaChatLLM();

const reader = createConsoleReader();

for await (const { prompt } of reader) {
  const response = await llm.generate([
      role: Role.USER,
      text: prompt,
  reader.write(`LLM 🤖 (txt) : `, response.getTextContent());
  reader.write(`LLM 🤖 (raw) : `, JSON.stringify(response.finalResult));

Source: examples/llms/chat.ts


The generate method returns a class that extends the base ChatLLMOutput class. This class allows you to retrieve the response as text using the getTextContent method and other useful metadata. To retrieve all messages (chunks) access the messages property (getter).


You can enable streaming communication (internally) by passing { stream: true } as a second parameter to the generate method.


import "dotenv/config.js";
import { createConsoleReader } from "examples/helpers/io.js";
import { BaseMessage, Role } from "Hive-agent-framework/llms/primitives/message";
import { OllamaChatLLM } from "Hive-agent-framework/adapters/ollama/chat";

const llm = new OllamaChatLLM();

const reader = createConsoleReader();

for await (const { prompt } of reader) {
  for await (const chunk of llm.stream([
      role: Role.USER,
      text: prompt,
  ])) {
    reader.write(`LLM 🤖 (txt) : `, chunk.getTextContent());
    reader.write(`LLM 🤖 (raw) : `, JSON.stringify(chunk.finalResult));

Source: examples/llms/chatStream.ts

Callback (Emitter)

import "dotenv/config.js";
import { createConsoleReader } from "examples/helpers/io.js";
import { BaseMessage, Role } from "Hive-agent-framework/llms/primitives/message";
import { OllamaChatLLM } from "Hive-agent-framework/adapters/ollama/chat";

const llm = new OllamaChatLLM();

const reader = createConsoleReader();

for await (const { prompt } of reader) {
  const response = await llm
          role: Role.USER,
          text: prompt,
    .observe((emitter) =>
      emitter.match("*", (data, event) => {
        reader.write(`LLM 🤖 (event: ${event.name})`, JSON.stringify(data));

        // if you want to close the stream prematurely, just uncomment the following line
        // callbacks.abort()

  reader.write(`LLM 🤖 (txt) : `, response.getTextContent());
  reader.write(`LLM 🤖 (raw) : `, JSON.stringify(response.finalResult));

Source: examples/llms/chatCallback.ts

Structured generation

import "dotenv/config.js";
import { z } from "zod";
import { BaseMessage, Role } from "Hive-agent-framework/llms/primitives/message";
import { OllamaChatLLM } from "Hive-agent-framework/adapters/ollama/chat";
import { JsonDriver } from "Hive-agent-framework/llms/drivers/json";

const llm = new OllamaChatLLM();
const driver = new JsonDriver(llm);
const response = await driver.generate(
      firstName: z.string().min(1),
      lastName: z.string().min(1),
      address: z.string(),
      age: z.number().int().min(1),
      hobby: z.string(),
      error: z.string(),
      role: Role.USER,
      text: "Generate a profile of a citizen of Europe.",

Source: examples/llms/structured.ts

Adding a new provider (adapter)

To use an inference provider that is not mentioned in our providers list feel free to create a request.

If approved and you want to create it on your own, you must do the following things. Let's assume the name of your provider is Custom.

  • Base location within the framework: Hive-agent-framework/adapters/custom

    • Text LLM (filename): llm.ts (example implementation)

    • Chat LLM (filename): chat.ts (example implementation)


If the target provider provides an SDK, use it.


All provider-related dependencies (if any) must be included in devDependencies and peerDependencies in the package.json.


To simplify work with the target RestAPI feel free to use the helper RestfulClient class. The client usage can be seen in the WatsonX LLM Adapter here.


Parsing environment variables should be done via helper functions (parseEnv / hasEnv / getEnv) that can be found here.